The End Of An Era


I started blogging in 2009 and quickly grew to love it. I'm a writer and a teacher and it gave me an outlet to talk about things I was passionate about without having to wait months to get a magazine to publish it or years to get a book out there. I blogged for several years about spirituality and childbirth. When that related book came out and the birthing phase of my life was over I started this blog to talk about meditation and Christ-Consciousness. In 2016 I felt kind of done with blogging because I wanted to pursue other writing projects, but I continued to teach and post once in a while, but after 2020 I have been almost completely silent. I'm writing this update in 2024. For the last four years I have been dealing with things I just wasn't able to write about--partly because they involve other people who need to be protected, and also because I was at a complete loss of words. I have still been teaching and gathering and creating on some levels, but I have not been able to write much of anything at all, except in my journal or in small spurts that then sputtered out.

Since “I write to know what I think,” I feel like I have been in a state of non-clarity for a few years. They feel like a blur, those years. A fog. But I recently have had light break through and I see a beautiful horizon. My only child is going away to college in less than a month. It’s the end of an era, the beginning of a new one.

I feel so differently than I once did and I have grown to depths that I have felt were too complex to share or put in words. Recently I am changing my thinking to the idea that maybe the last 4 years were just research, and now I am almost ready to put it all together. I can feel that there are many, many books within me. I hope so.


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