Remember That Time...

Remember that time when you wanted to kick that bad habit of [you name it], and you did?

Remember that time you wanted to [find a partner], and you did?

Remember that time you wanted to be [a mom/dad], and now you are?

Remember that time you wanted to own a [house/car/etc] and now you do?

Remember that time you wanted to travel to [insert your place!] and you did!

Remember that time that you wanted to [do something bad ass and challenging] and you did?

Remember that time you wanted to create something beautiful, and you did?

I have been playing the remember game this week. One of my clients made me think of it. It's super powerful. You can only remember things you DID. And it's fun to play with others you know well or even a little bit.

So many times we see only what we haven't got yet or are struggling to beat, and not the fact that we usually DO accomplish what we desire. 

It may take longer than we think or than we'd like. But if it takes a long time, it could be it was harder than we thought. And therefore even more worthy of our efforts.

Why do we desire the things we desire? Sometimes it feels like it would be easier to just desire nothing-- but we are born with our varying degrees of desire. It's part of us. And I feel that what you desire is not random.  I love to think of something said often in  Yogananda's book: "The divine wish is expressed through you." So celebrate all your divine accomplishments!

Try playing this game this week with friends and family. It's contagious and it's a positive way to use your voice and your words this full moon when everything is amplified.

Feel free to share something you wanted to do and then did in the comments below. Don't be shy. You are wonder. 


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