Dispelling Myths about Calling and Election

Sat Nam. This post is not about politics. As I learned a few years ago, being "elect" doesn't mean you are more special than any of God's other children. It just means that God recognized that you are one of those A+ students He could count on to help out all the others in the class. And if you recognize this and do help out, it often results in God falling in love with you and giving you untold bonuses. 

In Mormon (and other Christian) doctrine there is this thing that should be talked about more called Calling and Election Made Sure. To have one's calling and election made sure might be the equivalent in other religions or cultures to what some call "enlightenment." It is also called "sanctification" or receiving the "more sure word of prophecy." Here is how Bruce R. McConkey would sum it up.

To have one's calling and election made sure is to be sealed up unto eternal life; it is to have the unconditional guarantee of exaltation in the highest heaven of the celestial world; it is to receive the assurance of godhood; it is, in effect, to have the day of judgment advanced, so that an inheritance of all the glory and honor of the Father's kingdom is assured prior to the day when the faithful actually enter into the divine presence to sit with Christ in his throne, even as he is "set down" with his "Father in his throne." (Rev 3:21.)
So, for all those people who think that you need to die to advance or get exalted, they are wrong! Isn't that wonderful. You can be a Queen/ King,  Priest/Priestess now. For all those people who think that this doesn't happen very often, that's also not true. It's happening a lot lately! And some people don't even realize that this is what has happened to them. That's why I am writing this post.

How does one get sanctification? It's not a checklist. Some people think it is, but the way you get your calling and election made sure is by fulfilling YOUR contract with the Father, and keeping the basic commandments along the way.

Each person's contract is unique. You may know yours and it may be simple. Maybe it is to give birth to a saint. Maybe it is to write a book. Maybe it is to teach Kundalini Yoga to Mormons. You may not have figured it out yet, but you will always get nudges and guidance if you are seeking for them. Father never gives up and never stops calling you, no matter how long you ignore or wander, so don't worry. You can always begin to listen.

There is an ordinance in the temple that is associated with C&E, but it is a couple's ordinance, and it is not required to have your C&E made sure. God can just tell you that you have it, and that is all you need, like he did to Joseph Smith in the Doctrine and Covenants. He just told him in a revelation.

It can happen in an imagery journey, in a vision or dream, a visit from Jesus, a blessing, or some other unique way. Many people don't know exactly what it was that happened to them at the time, but they usually know that something happened, and hopefully you put it together later.

When Christ visited the Americas after his resurrection, there were a lot of people with their crowns already who didn't realize it. The same is happening now. God needs a lot of Kings and Queens and Priests and Priestesses to help with the great work that is happening on the earth now. Many people don't realize it but they have their crown already. And when they realize this, I hope they stop worrying about whether they will make it back and realize they already have and use the energy for something else! Like joy!

The thing I have learned in private conversations with lots of people is that C&E is not what most people think. It doesn't mean you are perfect or will be made perfect. You're still human. You'd be surprised if you could see everyone who has had this blessing.  They may be overweight. They may swear occasionally, they may get impatient with their kids. It doesn't mean one is without sin. It means Christ is written in one's heart and God knows that they aren't going anywhere. They will constantly turn again and again back to Christ. Every day. Every day. And they will constantly be growing and learning.

And for those who think that certain criteria have to be met before C&E can happen, I will tell you that things don't always work the way some people have written about them. Mostly the people who have written about C&E have been men, and in my experience, God has different feelings about women. For example, most of the writings out there will tell you that you have to have the temple sealing ordinance to have your C&E made sure. It's not true. At least not for women. I know single women who have had theirs. Remember, time is not linear. So if God wants to work it out now, the lack of some ordinance for a worthy woman won't matter, because in His view--the perpetual Now--it has already happened.

So if you want this blessing, pray for it and ask for it. But know that it might involve you going deeper than you planned. A few years ago a friend of mine learned about Calling and Election and thought that she totally met all the criteria so she went home and prayed for this blessing, and assumed it would be granted immediately. Ha! She went through a few years of restructuring as God knocked out all her walls and made her rebuild her foundation using lots of tools that were previously out of her box.  It's not something you get just for doing the regular Sunday school checklist. It comes from deep deep work.

So if you have done the deep work and you think maybe it has happened to you, I invite you to do your own research and learn more. I will tell you that one of the pre-requisites for this blessings is the power and ability to subdue all foes. When I am talking about foes I am not simply talking about the devil. He is not public enemy #1.  He gets way more credit/blame than He deserves. The biggest enemy is the subconscious thought forms that allow that darkness in. Fear, is the biggest one. Also, unforgiveness. Hatred. Anger. Pride.

A regular practice of meditation will give you that power. It doesn't mean you won't encounter these emotions any more or the darkness that they may invite. It means you have the power to get out of the ticket and you make the choice to sooner than later.

After C&E made sure, Jesus may come to you personally, but if you have expectations about how this should be, you gotta let those go. Jesus coming in an imagery journey or a vision during meditation may be way more powerful than Him coming in the flesh. In fact, lots of people who have had both experiences agree that it often is more real and powerful in the imagery state. And up close and personal association with Jesus doesn't have to be a thing for holidays and temple visits. If we stop and practice awareness one might notice He is there all the time. Also, Jesus coming to a person, doesn't mean that they have had their C&E. He comes to all kinds of people who are in different states of spiritual development. Remember Saul? But if he does come, be sure to ask him about all this.

I submit this with much love and peace and pray you have great understanding as you ponder these things. Please forgive any errors.

Through the Grace of God, Sat Nam.


  1. This is wonderful.

    I am so glad you addressed this -- I agree 100% --> "There is an ordinance in the temple that is associated with C&E, but it is a couple's ordinance, and it is not required to have your C&E made sure. God can just tell you that you have it, and that is all you need"

  2. This works here as support material.


  3. I've only met you once in passing, but I am so grateful to have you in my life. Your writings and reflections touch my soul. There is only one other person that I know personally who oozes with such wisdom and thought-provoking ideas... and she is almost 80. The more I read your posts I am pleased to see you share almost all of her same sentiments and beliefs. I remember the first time she said, "Satan gets more blame/credit than he deserves" my eyes popped open. From what I've been taught my perceptions were like a lot of LDS people I know. And there are many people using healing modalities that support these perceptions!!

    When Glenda, my counselor, said that statement my whole body radiated with light. Thats when I began seriously focusing my attention towards my subconscious. Its changed my life.

    I find peace knowing there is another "Glenda" out there... named Nam Joti Kaur. Thank you. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. It provided the clarification I had been praying for so I can continue on my journey. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for sharing this. It was the clarification I needed to continue on. Thank you.


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