New Kids On the Block and Oranges

I just wanted to say thank you for all the love sent my way after my Melt Down post. I felt like a baggywrinkle for a few more days, but all is well now. I think I picked up a few wayward spirits at the cemetery. Blech. Grief makes one vulnerable. But I let them go and cleared a few more 12-year-old anger beliefs and things and then had about 20 crazy dreams in one night (serious releasing). Then yesterday, on the spring equinox, I went to a Kundalini Yoga class and during a gong nap I kept thinking about the New Kids on the Block. Yes, them.

The thought would go, and another random New Kids related memory would come up. I was starting to wonder what was going on with my brain, and then I realized it wasn't random at all. It was totally related to age 12-13 stuff I have been processing. So they were bound to come up. I happily realized that I was probably clearing the last of this round of "stuff" and I felt so light and like myself again. What a relief to know that I was right, the funk did not last. And now that we are on this side of the spring equinox, there will be more light than darkness.

New life.

I love spring. The smell coming from my orange orchards is positively intoxicating right now. I wish I could post a smell.

Well, I actually can, but only some of my readers will be advanced enough to smell it. And only if you get really close......


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