Stop Fighting Against Porn. Start Fighting For Healthy Spirituality and Sexaulity

I don't know about you, but I for one am totally bored of all the talk about pornography addiction. I agree that it's a problem. But for reals, don't you think we know this? Maybe some people don't. But the point is, talking about it, while it may raise awareness, isn't changing anything. The LDS church an the family unit is still getting its butt kicked by pornography. There have only been several recorded zion societies in the scriptures and the way they eradicated evil was by preaching the gospel and filling themselves with the love of God.

I think that the first thing we need to do to empower men women and children is to change the language we are using. Rather than telling our teens and young people "don't look at porn" we can start talking about healthy spirituality and sexuality.

I believe that the atonement of Jesus Christ can heal all things, but I belive we block that healing with a lot of subconscious garbage. And I have witnessed that the fastest way to clear away that garbage and allow the atonement to do it's mighty work, is through the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. So I am offering some tools. For example, here is a mediation that every 14-year old boy should know. Now instead of telling him to not look at porn, you can encourage him to do Sat Kriya and get crazy super powers so he can teleport someday.

I am going to be writing and vlogging a lot more about this topic of healthy spirituality and sexuality in the weeks to come and I will be offering a 6-8 week kundalini yoga and meditation series online that I believe will be game changing for the whole planet. Here is a video on it. Please share it. We are all in this together and we all need healthy spirituality and sexuality.


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